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Thread #91477   Message #1741963
Posted By: Anonny Mouse
16-May-06 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Da Code According to Ron & Tom
Subject: RE: BS: Da Code According to Ron & Tom
This is just "old" stuff in many ways. In the late 60's-early 70's this novel called "The Passover Plot." While not about some marriage and bastard child, it went over much the same turf. Frankly, it's easier to believe the Gospel accounts than books like this, or Dan Brown's.

Even the so-called Gnostic gospels (like "The Gospel of Thomas") or other pseudopigrypha (The "infancy Narratives of Jesus" where he stretches boards in Joe's carpentry shop, or takes a single grain of wheat and grows enough to fill a whole village's stomachs, etc.) have little credibility among serious Biblical and Biblical archaeology experts.

Finally, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!! IT'S A STORY--A FICTION--NOT SOME HISTORICAL "truth." The "fundies" tried the boycott thing with the "Last Temptation of Christ," totally MISSING the point of the movie-but who cares...don't even watch it, and then condemn it from ignorance! Between the radical Catholic right, and the radical Fundy left and right, it is a black eye to all Christians, who--for the most part--are more intelligent than their zealot leaders give them credit for. I'm kinda with Joe Offer on this one.