The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1742835
Posted By: Ron Davies
17-May-06 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Hi Jerry and everybody else,

I wanted to tell you Jerry, that I've received the 2 CD package (HUH? and the one with Peoria, Everything is Peaches Down In Georgia, and Down On the Chesapeake Bay--and lots of others.   They're great--and there are all sorts of songs I've never heard before--what an added bonus! But my rehearsal schedule--rehearsal last night and again tomorrow, for instance-- has been such that I've not had a chance to hear HUH? When I do, it may test Jan's tolerance- she used to complain when I had part of My Music or Prairie Home Companion at the end of a classical tape. I gather HUH? keeps switching music types constantly. I'm looking forward to hearing it, myself--each one has a link to the next?

Flash!!!!!--Jan says the Dixieland CD (Peoria etc) is a smash hit with 19-month Henry. Jerry--you're going to monopolize the entire 5-CD player----2 of the other big hits with Henry (and us) are the Gospel Messengers CD and The Gospel in Black and White. Jan says Henry bops to them all.

And we still haven't had a chance to hear the Louis-Ella duets. I keep thinking I can set aside about an hour to do that and nothing else--I don't want to be eating or anything else when I hear that one--but I can't seem to find an hour.

Thanks again,
