The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91497   Message #1742928
Posted By: greg stephens
18-May-06 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Adopting Alien Traditions
Subject: RE: Folklore: Adopting Alien Traditions
Mike of Northumbria produces the good old liberal inclusive view very eloquently and convincingly. But I think a close analysis of what he is saying exposes the fgundamental weakness of his position: he really shoots himself in the foot with his Leadbelly/William Kimber. That they share a tune is a lovely and and interesting story, and an interesting bit of ethnomusicolgy. But Mike mentions they share one tune. Mike soncentrates on the "sharing" concept, but I'd like to lok at the "one" as well. Just think what a loss to the world of black music it would have been if Leadbelly had devoted his life to playing Cotswold morris tines rather badly with Sonny Terry. And what would have happened in Headington thaqt memorable day in 1899 if Cecil Sharp had watched the dancers vainly trying to get their stepd right as William Kimber attempted "Rock Island Line" and "Pigmeat Blues".
   Lets face it, nether Richard Bridge or anyone else is going to be other than intrigued by singers adotpting the odd anomalous song in their repertoire. What is being discussed here is whether people should adopt(or attempt to adopt) other cultures wholesale. And that seems to be a very evenly balanced and complex question with no easy answers.
    It is often observed in the world of vaccination/immunisation that the best thing to be is the only person who hasnt been vaccinated: that way you get the benefit of an immune population making the disease die out, without the unfortunate risk of any side effect from the injection. I feel that McGtath of and Mike of N (and me!)actually want the benefits of being able to play whatever they like themselves, while expecting the ethnic hordes, whether in Headington Quarry or Louisiana, to keep producing the beautiful and culturally specific music we all know and love.