The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91427   Message #1743150
Posted By: The Shambles
18-May-06 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: From Max: State of the Union Address
Subject: RE: From Max: State of the Union Address
You have the definitive reply from the site owner - why are you so arrogant as to believe that you can question him in this way?

If that were true - I would not need to ask would I? Has the Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team not asked our forum for suggestions?

But in what arrogant way am I questioning anyone?

Am I setting the example of publicly calling my fellow posters a buffoon, an idiot, an asshole a looney or worse? Am I encouraging other posters to join in such personal judgement and abuse?

Is it not arrogant to question why a fellow invited guest posts what they choose to? For you could of course just ignore my posts if you consider it arrogant to ask questions. Is it not arrogance or worse to post only to judge the worth and assume the worse of fellow posters you have never even met? Or is it now thought OK when it is certain easy targets who are safe to gang-up on and bully?

I have stopped posting to our forum once before - if others do not wish to share our forum with my posts they are free this time to go elswhere. Or if they really think the loss of one or two posters will make any real difference - they can carry on cluttering up our forum with posts asking for Max to come up with some terrible crime that I have committed to justify banning me....Then who will be blamed?

If my posts are now thought to be a distraction - they are because (some of our) moderators repeatedly and publicly encourage the division that has created the current situation. You may judge my reaction to this personally motivated special treatment be OTT - but is just the reaction that should be judged in isolation?

Should those who are supposed to be protecting you and I from abusive personal attacks be setting the example of ever indulging in such things? Being seen to defend all this - is what 'THIS MESS' currently is. Whatever posters are banned, whatever posts are deleted and whatever threads are closed - it will remain A MESS until it is addressed and corrected.

And we can once again return to encourging everyone to post to our forum - rather inhibiting posting by being encouraged to only post to judge each other's worth.