The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91590   Message #1743574
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
18-May-06 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Looks like Paul McCartney...
Subject: RE: BS: Looks like Paul McCartney...
oh sod it they're rich.....they can take care of themselves.

a good part of their millions is due to the glare of publicity that they court.

think of all those hours of crap television, when he has churned out an album, knowing full well that the completists will buy it - even though he's got sod all to say artistically. the adulatory interviews.

as for Long Jane Silver, well would you have known she had one leg if you hadn't been informed of the fact with brain buggering regularity.

And did you really need his daughter's dress designs to know that ladies look nice in silk lingerie.

If you want to accord him reverence whilst his late wife's awful sausages are still giving you indigestion. so be it. you're daft.

as someone who has been married to a disabled lady for god knows hows long, I can say with some authority that if you expect the marriage to be a normal (hi honey I'm home) gig - then you're daft again.
as parkinson is always saying, tell us Paul, what makes you so wonderful and nice and talented. and look at the breadth of your humanity, you've married a disabled woman. wot a nice bloke. hats off to the mop top........

bad taste......give me a break, but no, not one of those bloody sausages.