The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90556   Message #1743846
Posted By: Cath
19-May-06 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO
Subject: RE: Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO
Interesting that - we are thinking of calling the next event Holmfirth Festival of Folk - the People's Festival.

Anyway we had a meeting the other day and we do plan to do it again. We will take a bit more time over it this time and hopefully iron out the few problems that we had and share out the work a bit more evenly. Quite a few helpers from previous years who fell out with the 'other lot' have come back and offered their help. And we have found new people who are also prepared to help.

At the 'other lot's' meeting in Shepley on Wednesday they announced that they are carrying out a feasability study of Shepley with the intention of finding a greenfield site there to run a festival which will not have Holmfirth in the title and will not be the 2nd weekend in May.
The feeling of the meeting seemed to be favourable so good luck to them.