Hi again,These are the replies so far from the harplist.
Kristen said: "I know of one man here that makes harps. I don't have his number handy, but his name is Lee Davenport, he lives in Columbia, MD on I think Longlook Lane. Hope this helps. He does repairs on harps he builds, so that's a plus too."
Greta said:
"My brother, Rick Kemper, is a harpmaker in Silver Spring, Maryland. The harps he has made are lovely, durable and have remarkably nice tone, according to everyone who has heard mine. He can also furnish references from Jo Morrison, a recording artist, and other people who have ordered harps from him. He is of good character and stands behind his work.
Contact him at rkemper@ctia.org. He also knows other harp makers in the area if your needs and his time do not match."