The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91590 Message #1744074
Posted By: Geordie-Peorgie
19-May-06 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Looks like Paul McCartney...
Subject: RE: BS: Looks like Paul McCartney...
Sir paul says that Heather didn't marry him foreez money!
She's certainly divorcing him forrit!
On the news today it sez she is "devastated and hasn't eaten for two weeks (I wish I had her will power) and once everything is settled she 'still wants to be known as "Lady McCartney"'"'".....PLEASE!
Aah think it aal started gannin doon hill when he bought her that new false leg for Christmas - She thought it wez her main prezzie but it wez just a stockin' filler !
Aah also heard that he bought her a plane... but she uses Immac on the other leg!!