The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91590 Message #1744107
Posted By: Desdemona
19-May-06 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Looks like Paul McCartney...
Subject: RE: BS: Looks like Paul McCartney...
My goodness, what a lot of excellent follow-ups to my harmless & not even especially clever one-liner...!
But seriously , no-one here has a close, personal relationship with Sir Paul or his gold-digging, publicity-seeking child bride (do they??), and celebrity is always fair game for a bit of fun; I suppose it's the flip-side of making $1.5 billion by choosing to live your life in front of the world.
Obviously, I don't wish either of these COMPLETE STRANGERS ill (NB that they are, in fact, COMPLETE STRANGERS to me, hence my lack of deep, personal feelings about them!), I just think it would be pretty disingenuous to pretend that:
A. It never occurred to anyone that his vast, enormous fortune (to say nothing of the fame, which "Lady" McCartney had assiduously and cravenly pursued ever since her admittedly unfortunate accident) *might* have been a factor in their marriage.
B. The fact that he hooked up with her within a year of the death of his beloved wife of nearly 30 years doesn't have at least a whiff of "terribly depressed older man on the rebound being taken advantage of by attentive, attractive much younger female" about it.
C. This ridiculous claim that "the media" are to blame for their break-up could be taken seriously! I must respectfully point out that (present company excepted, apparently), particularly as compared to the circumstances of his marriage to Linda in 1969, no-one gives a toss about Paul Mccartney or anything he does anymore, and I feel pretty certain they could have had all the (largely forgotten by pop culture) privacy they wanted if they'd have just stopped shoving their faces in front of cameras.
D. That there's any reason to pity poor Heather, except for the fact that her 15 minutes are about to be UP! She lost me way back when in some interview where she claimed she had "never even heard any of the Beatles music" (thereby deflating accusations of gold-digging, apparently) are we to assume she grew up in outer space?!