The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91646   Message #1744517
Posted By: Azizi
20-May-06 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs about Big Feet
Subject: Lyr Req: Songs about Big Feet
While skimming through a couple of books on American folksong,
I found a number of old songs that include insult lyrics about a woman's big feet.

My guess is that these 'big feet' putdowns were a shorthand way of expressing preference for city gals and city living as opposed to country living. And because many of these songs that I found were from late 19th African American sources, I believe that these big foot put-downs also reflect a desire to shuck off rural life that was too closely associated with the horrors & limitations of slavery.

In this thread I'll share some examples of these songs.

Do you know any lyrics from traditional or contemporary songs from whichever cultures that mention big feet? Are such songs always insults

Also, I've only found one example of insult lyrics about men's big feet. Do you know any?

And do you know any lyrics about women's small, dainty feet?
In contrast to the songs about big feet, aren't girls with small feet considered more desirable than their larger sole sisters?

Just wondering...

who proudly wears size 9 1/2 shoes