The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91646   Message #1744535
Posted By: Azizi
20-May-06 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs about Big Feet
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Songs about Big Feet
Well, maybe this isn't an insult. But maybe it is. What do your think?

BUFFALO GALS {excerpt}
As I was lumb'ring down de street,
down de street, down de street,
A han'some gal I chanced to meet,
Oh, she was fair to view!

Buffalo gals, can't you come out tonight,
Can't you come out tonight,
Can't you come out tonght?
Buffalo gals, can't you come out ton-night,
And dance by de light ob de moon?

I axed her would she hab some talk.
Hab some talk, hab some talk.
Her feet covered up de whole sidewalk,
As she stood close to me.

Dorothy Scarborough "On The Trails Of Negro Folk Songs" {Folklore Associates Edition, 1963; p. 113; originally published by Harvard University Press, 1925}