The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91497   Message #1744762
Posted By: greg stephens
21-May-06 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Adopting Alien Traditions
Subject: RE: Folklore: Adopting Alien Traditions
GUEST Jim: your assertions about the lack of music/song/dance in the north of England in the 16/17/128th century are just flabbergstingly wrong. I'm not going to divert and distub this thread by supplying chaper and verse for what I'm saying, I'm just suggesting you go to a libary or whatver and have a look at the subject. This is a perfectly ;iterate well documented part of the world with ample documentaion for its customs, its music, its songs, its tunes. Believe me, the area was heavng with creative singsrs, professional pipers and fiddlers, dances everywhere. Plenty of music publishers were publishing traditional dance tunes form the north of England from the period you are talking about, for a start. The north was music world, it was running out of their ears. Just as a trivial point, but it illustrates what I am saying. There are seven completely different fiddle tunes called "The Manchester Hornpipe". They didnt come from a poulace without music.