The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91505   Message #1746056
Posted By: The Shambles
23-May-06 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Title Change Discussion(moved from another thread)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Help&Trouble Forum? (Complaint)
Minister Gone –New One – who cares?

The above thread's title was subject to imposed change and the thread relegated to the BS following a request for this change made by a fellow poster on the Mudcat Help and Trouble Forum.

The thread contains the following explanation (or threat) addressed to me.

Shambles it is a simple thing and makes the thread title clear on a word used differently on each side of the pond. Do not make an issue of it.

I suspect the reason this is addressed to me is because the precedent was set and defended which means that our moderators feel they have to impose this title change....

In my view - what any originator may choose to title their thread will remain no one else's business but theirs and posters should not be encouraged to request any changes to be imposed upon their fellow poster's contributions. Perhaps all posters to the Mudcat Help and Trouble Forum can now be encouraged to concentrate on their own posts?

It is not an issue of judging whether the change is an improvement or not – for if any proposed title change is thought an improvement the originator may readily agree to any suggested change. The issue will remain one of heavy-handed judgement imposed as a first and only resort, when it could and in my view, should be avoided.

If the object is really having a title on our forum's index that is clear - the question is only one of how it is achieved.

By encouraging this counter-productive but selective judgement from posters and automatic imposition by our moderators - or by stylish consultation and prior agreement?