The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #1746250
Posted By: Donuel
23-May-06 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: BS: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Hi all, its been 3 weeks since my last confession...

Since then I had a horrendous fall while trying to get a seed pod of a Paulina tree. A six inch bolt protruding from the rear of a guard rail slammed into my ribs right at the heart region.
Because I had taken a small amount of a cox 3 inhibator about a year ago, my blood pressure can sometimes go way up and stay there for several hours. Merck Inc is not going to do any studies concerning how long any damage from Vioxx may persist but it was recently leaked that even a year after taking the drug the risk factor is the same as ir one never stopped taking it.

I have been meeting some remarkable people by accident lately. Some are obscure and some are famous. This Sunday Congressman Waxman came over and sat down for lunch next to my family at a little Italian Restaurant. I thanked him for being one of the good guys... No I did not smoke :)
This month I will be meeting with various people including Maria Alsop and Joan Collins regarding a composer friend of mine. I'm going to see Joshua Bell this June. If anyone here knows him (via 6 degrees of seperation) let me know so I may pass along a message or just a hello.

I have been spending time listening to some of the greatest thinkers alive today like Thomas Friedman and Charles Osman. Now I'll have to catch up with the greatest thinkers on mudcat and see whats going down lately...