The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91654   Message #1746448
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
24-May-06 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Julius Caesar/Jesus - fact or fiction?
Subject: RE: BS: Julius Caesar/Jesus - fact or fiction?
I'm even more confused now AR282. First you say -

There is not a shred of evidence to prove that any such person existed.

Then you say -

So they already had the religion, they just needed a figurehead for it? Ins't that the same as saying there was no person this religion was based on?

The first is prety self explanatory. The second says that the religion was not based on a person. Not that the person did not exist?

That part of the religion was based on an earlier one I have no doubt. I am more than surprised that in all your learned postings you have not mentioned the similarities to Mithraism and other eastern cults. However, leaving that aside for a moment. There is documentary evidence that Chritianity subverted other religions to it's own end. Lets look at the changing of the spring festival to the pagan godess Eostre for instance. The word Easter was not made up it was borrowed. Mithras himself from my earlier example was born on December the 25th. Why do you think that a religion that has so astutely borrowed from all other sources would go out on a limb and make something up from scratch for it's primary source?

Why on earth would a religion so adept at borrowing choose the more complicated option of making up something from scratch? Just doesn't make sense. Sorry, but given the scratchy evidence that Jesus did or didn't exist, and it IS scratchy on both sides, I will go for the simple option and say yes he did.

I am not saying he was the son of God or even a miracle worker, that is a completely different argument, but the fact that someone with that name and some noteriety existed around that time is pretty evident. I know you will continue to argue that he did not but let me ask you this. If you were to read an article which denied, in a very clever way, that the holocaust ever happened would you belive it? Well. There are such things. Articles that appear to be as learned as your sources.

Just remember there is no such thing as a single history. Anyone who records 'facts' colours them in their own way whether they want to or not. There are academic works confirming and denying almost everything that ever happened. Choose your own path by all means. But please don't expect everyone to be of your opinion. And don't believe that yours is the only 'truth'.
