The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91746   Message #1747055
Posted By: Arne
25-May-06 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
Subject: RE: BS: DeLay's secret weapon? Stephen Colbert!
Amos and Clinton (and anyone else):

All the apostrophes look like Icelandic ellipsoids or something. Like this: ’.

Ummm, sorry about that. They look OK on my browser (and Firefox is good and free and open source; try it!).

But next time I'll see if I can remember to zap the grave apostrophes by hand and backward quotes and put in the standard ASCII ' and " stuff. Anything else that was funny?

And thanks for the tech tip, Jon ... I'll remember that next time I see the funny chars (which I do on some pages).... BTW, my browser is currently showing "View/Char encoding" as "Western (ISO-8859-1)" and not "Unicode (UTF-8)" but somehow Firefox handles it here....
