The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91773   Message #1747592
Posted By: mrdux
25-May-06 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lay and Skilling- Guilty
Subject: RE: BS: Lay and Skilling- Guilty
My guess is that the boys will get sentenced to some substantial number of years in federal minimum security facilities when they appear in September for their comeuppance. I've heard some federal prosecutors predicting ten to twenty years, and a guy in the article Ebbie posted was guessing upward of twenty. Could be. Wouldn't break my heart. They're also looking at some whopping fines and restitution to the victims. You're right, Ebbie: the Lay and Skilling families appear none too happy this evening.

The court does have the authority to stay the sentence pending appeal upon posting of security. If the judge does, and if, as a lot of people expect, W pardons them shortly after the 2008 election, Kenny Boy and Skilling may never see the inside of a jail. On the other hand, a sufficiently cranky judge -- and federal judges are not known for being warm and fuzzy toward convicted felons -- could very easily deny them release pending appeal. We'll see in September.
