The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91654   Message #1748471
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-May-06 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Julius Caesar/Jesus - fact or fiction?
Subject: RE: BS: Julius Caesar/Jesus - fact or fiction?
"Him", Foolestroupe? Where did you get the idea that God is male? ;-) In a Universe where the vast majority of living things (as far as we know and can observe) exist in two genders, how in God's (if you'll excuse the expression) name could whatever brought them forth be of only one gender!???!


Methinks you are referring to the archaic, abysmally primitive notions of a male "God" that arose in a strictly patriarchal tribal society of Jews several thousand years ago. Ha!

For a far more rational concept of "God" or "Divinity" or "the Great Unmanifest" or "the Way" or whatever you might call it, investigate any number of Eastern religions which posit a Godhead that DOES seamlessly include both genders as well as the genderless archetype within itself. Infinity is, by definition, not limited to expressing itself only in the male form, and if people imagine it as a male, they are only reflecting their own customs and blind spots.

And you may well know all that, Foolestroupe. ;-) I bring it up only to raise an interesting point about the way most cultures think: like a horse sees when it's wearing blinders. They see only what they already believe in, and nothing more whatsoever.