The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91773   Message #1749377
Posted By: GUEST
29-May-06 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lay and Skilling- Guilty
Subject: RE: BS: Lay and Skilling- Guilty
Ebbie, I do understand - I WAS glad the Dems lost in the last several Congressional elections. Now, the spending is as bad on both side of the aisle and the decision making process is flawed. The Dems have not had a clue as to how to govern since the mid 80's. Now it appears the Repubs are climbing aboard the same boat. America did not lose because the Dems did not win, America is losing because both sides of the aisle in DC have forgotten about us.

I am of the opinion that I could pick 10 graduating Seniors from each State (High School) and see more sensiblity in running this Country than we now have with the 500 or so in DC.

And as far as GWB in the WHite House, like it or not, right, wrong or indifferent, he is showing leadership that has not existed since Reagan. And don't bring up the war, deficits, etc. I said "right or wrong", "like it or not". I do think I understand, I do not blame WJC for my financial losses even though it started "under his watch". (Good grief, I have seen that phrase used too often and it is my attempt at sarcasm)

Sometimes one must cast aside party politics/preferences and try to be realistic and fair.

....and podman, completely agree with you.