The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91773   Message #1749792
Posted By: pdq
29-May-06 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lay and Skilling- Guilty
Subject: RE: BS: Lay and Skilling- Guilty
" is now well known that Enron's policies were the main - and deliberate - cause of the power outages and brownouts along with horrendous costs in the California energy crisis - and in fact, were the primary cause of Schwartzenegger getting into office, because Californians blamed Governor Gray for the mess..."

I may regret being this blunt, Ebbie, but that is one of the most ignorant statements in the history of Mudcat. It borders on asinine. Please get a fact or two before you post. The entity which charged the most inflated prices was the munincipal utility company owned by the city of Los Angeles! Enron had nothing to do with the 'brown-outs', which were few and far between. They had nothing to do with California's unconstitutional state debt. That was mismanagement by Gray Davis and company.