The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91838   Message #1750613
Posted By: Amos
31-May-06 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: The mudcat think tank
Subject: RE: BS: The mudcat think tank
1. Establish a legalrequirement that bills should only include material relevant to their primary intent and the subjects related to it directly -- no hidden off-topic Bill creep allowed.

2. Throw out the entire tax code. Replace same with a national flat tax no greater than 12%, but with no exemptions, neither for church or foundation or school or farm.

   Define the distribution of that 12% to town, county, state and federal recipients and make it a Constituional right to pay no more than that total per year.

   This would so simplify the tax code that hundreds of thousands of qualified IRS employees would suddenly be superfluous. The IRS should place them at the disposal of the Government Accoutability Office, with the duty of analyzing cost-benefit and e3fficiency of government expenditures and eliminating waste and corruption in government finances. That would give gainful employment to half of 'em. The rest can be put to analyzing the economic fall-out from different policies over history -- for example, the costs of war, the costs of consitutional erosion, and other salient policies offered by the overheated loins of swell-headed politicians.