The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1750958
Posted By: GUEST
31-May-06 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Hey Bobert. Been away a while and checked in and figured your name might be at the start of the "KatrinaGate" thread. And since tomorrow begins the '06 hurricane season, I'll throw in a couple of centavos.

I think I made the point somewhere on this forum that New Orleans was turned over to the federal govt. in Feb of 2003.

New Orleans defaulted on lots of federal loans and the feds took over. It was by design. Ten square mails of DC isn't much of a lab for terrorism, so they branched out. The Dept of Homeland Security took over the running of New Orleans in Feb '03 and consolidated 45 city offices into 8. Answerable directly to and only to DHS. Then they waited.

And when the storm hit they blew the levees. Instant catastrophe to see how plans work when they're moved from the drawing board to the field. And Katrina provided lots of instructive data. Ring a city with troops and turn back relief convoys. Unconstitutionally collect guns. Land foreign troops on American soil. Claim it's all a big "turf war" and "incompetence" and "lack-of-funding" problem and have the govt-controlled media sell that to Americans dumb enough to think a plane with a tank full of kerosene could bring down a 110 story steel tower.

Anyway, the criminally complicit media reported Katrina as a category 5 hurricane for months, but now we know it was a cat 3. That news dribbled out slowly and was phrased in a way intended to make us think they were analyzing records and were downgrading it in hindsight. What BS. They knew AT THE TIME IT WAS IN PROGRESS that it was a 3, but they also knew they'd have to sell the death and destruction in a way that would make sense to the toob-heads, so a category 5 it was.

So NOAA and the news media is in league with our terrorist govt. Just another branch of the terrorist govt. It'll be interesting to see what they have in store for us this year.

Have all those points been made? Too lazy to look at the whole thread. Hope you're well.