The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89388   Message #1751047
Posted By: Skivee
01-Jun-06 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: An Airport Story
Subject: RE: BS: An Airport Story
" I flew our plane out of New York before the U-bombs hit. We had a load of evacuee kids from the Bronx. It was alot worse than the papers printed.
Even at 10,000 feet and 15 miles off, we could feel the heat, and the blast nearly ripped our wings off. Lucky that we were facing away from downtown, or we would have been flying blind. The kids were hystarical. Kate got them calmed down with some songs and games. We had been heading to Washington, but we got the word about them over Philadelhia, so we landed there.
Priscilla noticed a tear in Kate's eye."Those poor children,"she said."Jimmy left the planeload of them with a farmer. His field was next to the airport. We don't know what happened to them."
Jimmy reached into the pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out an odd device. "If it hadn't have been for this, we probably wouldn't be here..."