The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91590 Message #1751142
Posted By: GUEST,Leg Horn /Shoe Horn
01-Jun-06 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Looks like Paul McCartney...
Subject: RE: BS: Looks like Paul McCartney...
Some women are just better than others at getting a "leg up" on a man.
Any LEGitimate prenup would surely have included: We shall not do anything that would cost either of us an arm or a leg...
We all know where she will be able to store** that extra cash she will receive from Paul.
** Well, in her own Norweigan Wood...en...well you know what!
Original thoughts as fur as I no.
I am "a" ughmerikin not a Brit, as Pres Bush wood say an ughshamed he reprezents me.