The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86416   Message #1751472
Posted By: GUEST,Fernando
02-Jun-06 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Here's How Bush created Katrina Gate:

Him and his evil oil company friends imported cheap oil from countrys that hate us and made so much cheap gas from it. This made them think like they got the US by the 'nads, they get all rowdy and a bunch of them crash the twin towers in NYC amongst other things.

Meanwhile his Evil Detroit buds start in to making big gas hog SUV's and such that the avereage level headed conservation minded US consumer couldn't resis. That caused a lot of polution and an increased demand for the cheap gas.

At the sane time his other evil cattle rancher comrades down in SA keep clearing the rainforest to make way for a few cows per acre. This causes more greenhouse gas and global warming. He adds to this global warimg by refusing to sign Kyoto simply because up and comming worse poluters than the US are exempt. The resultant Global warming and polution causes increasingly worse hurricane seasons.

One day a real bad one pops up on the radar headed for NO. Bush decides will not help out New Orleans because they ain't paying enough taxes and if a bunch 'em drown it will reduce the burden on the government which he has already run into the ground with his illegal wars and so forth.

He decides to hold back on everything, blame it on the locals down there and the democrats who demanded the creation DHS and then demanded that FEMA be part of DHS.

So now we have a few average, honest, intellignt citizens who are slowly exposing his scheme and educating the ignorant majority to his evil ways.

Gee. ain't life horrible here in the US? I think I will tie some old leaky innertubes together and see if I can make it to Cuba where the government functions correctly.