The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14270   Message #1751716
Posted By: Folkiedave
02-Jun-06 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Proper Cup of Coffee
Subject: RE: Need Info: Proper Cup of Coffee
John Foreman was a professional printer (I believe his presses are still there and working), and as part of his trade produced two brilliant reproduction books, Hindley´s "Curiosities of Street Literature" and Ashton´s "Real Sailor Songs" both now collector´s items in their own right.

As a singer and "music hall" artist he wasw of the very highest order. Part of this song was a piece of patter which went "if you need to, put in a breathe there, and if you can´t manage a breathe, put in a semi-breathe!".

A real gentleman - kind warm-hearted and generous with his time and knowledge. And a brilliant performer.