The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91920   Message #1751872
Posted By: Bat Goddess
02-Jun-06 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: Madeleine Peyroux fans?
Subject: RE: Madeleine Payroux fans?
I caught her by accident years ago on public radio (probably "All Things Considered" in the car on my way home from work. Tried to remember her name/pertinent info, etc. until Friday when I ws in my local record shop. And someone else was already there trying to explain to the proprietor what he was looking for. We pooled our information (I had at least remembered her name) and he was able to get her first CD (that's how long ago this was) for us.

Sorry to say, I've neglected getting her next CD -- but it's high on my get around to it list!

I really enjoy everything of hers that I've heard, even if I do tend to buy trad when I'm spending my CD allowance.
