The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91838   Message #1751896
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jun-06 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: The mudcat think tank
Subject: RE: BS: The mudcat think tank

Tolls are terribly regressive...

Case in point...

Laborer who works in the inner city for $10.00 hour makes $80.00 a day gross... Lets say the toll is $2.00 which equals...

...2.8% of the laborer' gross income for the day

Lawyer who works in the inner city makes $100.00 and hour for a gross of $800.00... He pays the same $2.00 toll whcih equals...

... 1/4th of 1% (.0025%)...

But I like yer other ideas...
