The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91912   Message #1752045
Posted By: Piers
03-Jun-06 - 02:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Euston Manifesto
Subject: RE: BS: The Euston Manifesto
Ifor, Don't put me in your corner with this sectarian tripe. As a socialist I am opposed to all forms of capitalism, private or state. You are advocating the wages-money-profit system, simple and plain, and are thus opposed to achieving the classless-moneyless-borderless system of socialism. Like the Eustonites, you are on the left of capitalism, you seek to reform it whereas socialists seek to abolish it.

I've no doubt you mean well, but what out of history makes you think that rearranging the political structure of a state is going to bring peace and progress?

Incidently a socialist has criticised the Euston Manifesto here.