The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1752264
Posted By: GUEST
03-Jun-06 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario

1998 "You cannot stop us." A World Islamic Front letter is sent to police advising that a biological and chemical weapons attack would be launched in the Montreal subway system. A group of Algerians is arrested and deported.

1999 "In the summer of 1999, Samir Ait Mohamed and Ahmed Ressam discussed placing explosives in the Outremont suburb of Montreal because it was a predominantly Jewish neighborhood," the FBI says.

2001 "Special file for our brother Abu Bakr al-Albani on the nature of his mission. First, the mission. Gather information on ... the possibility of obtaining explosive devices inside Canada." -- August 2001 e-mail found on al-Qaeda computer in Kabul.

2001 "In the lead-up and immediate aftermath to 9/11... there was a conspiracy of eight individuals who had designs to execute an act of serious violence in the Toronto area," Jack Hooper, CSIS Deputy Director of Operations, states.

2002 "As you kill, you will be killed." -- Osama bin Laden in an audiotaped speech that threatened Canada.

2004 "Human Targets: We must target and kill the Jews and the Christians.... The grades of importance are as follows: Americans, British, Spaniards, Australians, Canadians, Italians," instructs Al Battar, an al-Qaeda training manual.

2005 "And now you will get news of what hurts you." A jihadists video production posted on the Internet repeats bin Laden's 2002 threat to Canada.

2006 "We have a bifurcated threat at this point -- the threat that comes to Canada from the outside as well as a homegrown threat, and the homegrown variants look to Canada to execute their targeting," Mr. Hooper warns.