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Thread #91946   Message #1752337
Posted By: dianavan
03-Jun-06 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
C. Ham says, "I have referred to them as "Islamic terrorists" because that is how they have been describded on both of the Canadian TV news networks (CBC Newsworld and CTV Newsnet) by representatives of the RCMP and Ontario police."

Can you please link to these sources so that I don't have to look at all 474 related articles. I can't seem to find a description of the men arrested as "Islamic Terrorists".

I have no choice but to believe this is your particular spin on the story or if you are just passing along assumptions made by uninformed journalists.

At this point, all anyone knows is that they were men (some underaged) who were planning a terrorist attack. For all I know, they were planning on robbing a bank and blowing the safe.