The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91920   Message #1752463
Posted By: Gurney
03-Jun-06 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: Madeleine Peyroux fans?
Subject: RE: Madeleine Peyroux fans?
Thanks, folks.
George, I've ordered 'Careless Love' and 'Got You on my Mind' through As I said at the top, I already had 'Dreamland.'

Now to investigate Susie Arioli.

Linn, there was a time when I too only bought and sang trad, but although I still like it, I've become much more catholic and cosmopolitan in my tastes over the last 40 years..... good grief! Is it really 40 years? And I was into jazz before I discovered folk anyway. Don't go to jazz clubs since they (politely) applaud breaks, a habit that gets up my nose.