The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1752845
Posted By: CarolC
04-Jun-06 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
I'm not all that great with numbers, but based on the figures I've found, the population of the United States is more than ten times larger than that of Iraq. So if you multiply 30,000 (Population of Iraq... I rounded up a bit) by 10, you get 300,000. The number of Iraqi civilians killed by the US led invasion and occupation, as a percentage of the total population would be equivalent to 300,000 US civilians killed. Divide that by 3,000 (approximate number of US civilians killed on 9/11), and you get 100.

That means that the number of civilians killed by the US led invasion and occupation of Iraq is the equivalent of roughly 100, 9/11s by percentage of population.

If terrorists committed ONE HUNDRED attacks on the US that each produced the same number of deaths as on 9/11, that would equal the approximate number of Iraqi civilians killed by the US led invasion and occupation.

A sobering thought.