The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1752922
Posted By: JohnInKansas
04-Jun-06 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
The linked articles that I read, excluding a couple of videos that take an extremely long time to load on my connection, were all quite careful to identify those arrested as "Canadian Citizens or Residents" and to note only that the organization with which they are accused of being associated was apparently "Al-Qaeda inspired." Some, but not all, noted that they were predominately persons with "Arabic sounding names." At least one item did state that "the organization" had made public claims of being "Al-Qaeda inspired," but did not provide a citation to verify that offhand(?) statement.

The step to referring to those arrested as "Islamic Terrorists" was perhaps too casually taken, but hardly merits, at this time, any accusation of "racism" or even of "nationalism."

While the bitter arguments about "who's da worst and baddest" seem to be unavoidable here, they seem to have little purpose other than the stoking and stroking of egos, most of which are well known to us all.

What is significant is that the explosive materials found do indicate nefarious purpose. The absence of other expected materials does, perhaps, indicate that the alleged "plan" was at an early stage.

For anyone who might want to assess exactly what was found, it should be pointed out that the "3 tonnes" of fertilizer was uniformly reported as metric tonnes which is slightly different than 3 times what was used in the Oklahoma bombing. Given the innacuracy of such "new estimates," it probably doesn't make much difference, but a "metric ton" is a bit over 2,200 lb, while a US ton, in common usage is 2,000 lb. (And according to the SI agreement, it is metric ton and NOT metric tonne, even if you're French, but newspersons wouldn't know that.)

In a single explosion, that amount of ammonium nitrate would produce a blast possibly as large as in the Oklahoma bombing, but probably not a great deal larger. In Oklahoma, a substantial diesel fuel boost was used, and would be necessary for an effective application of this large an amount of fertilizer as an explosive in a single attack.

This may be taken as an indication that the suspects had not completed their preparations and additional materials were intended to be procured later, that additional materials they would have been expected to have are still "at large" elsewhere, or that they're a pretty amateur bunch of nuts. Take your pick, if you wish; but it won't matter much which you choose until further information on the arrests and results of the ongoing investigation and charges is available.

About the only thing that is certain is that it's unlikely anyone would have legitimate reason to possess that amount of fertilizer unless they were planning a "community garden" encompassing at least a few thousand acres of vacant urban lots with very bad soil.

Beyond the quibble (and it is a small one) about the comparisons between what this band planned and what was done in Oklahoma, I believe I'll wait for additional information before forming opinions.
