The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1753074
Posted By: CarolC
04-Jun-06 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
I'm getting a little concerned about you, heric. You don't seem quite yourself here in this thread. Not quite as observant or quick on the uptake as you usually seem to be.

I'll explain it s l o w l y for you.

First of all, C Ham said this...

And if you check the link with the list of the terrorists, they all have Islamic names.

So I did what s/he suggested and I checked the link with the list of names.

I saw a few that as far as I could tell were not necessarily "Islamic".

Now, I refer you to my 03 Jun 06 - 03:58 PM post, in which I said this...

I'm not suggesting that they are not Muslims. I just find statements like the one about the "Islamic names" to be problematic. If one is only going by the names, that could very well be an erroneous assumption. There have been terrorist attacks in the Middle East that have been committed by Christians, for instance. And I have been able to find at least one person with the name Khalid who is an Iraqi Christian...

- here -

However, if the suspects themselves have said that they are Muslims, we are probably more safe in assuming that they are in fact Muslims.

I have NEVER said that I didn't think they were Muslims. I only made a point, a quite valid one, in my opinion, that names are not good indicators of a person's religion. I do not at this time, have an opinion about whether or not they are Muslims, nor do I feel any need to form an opinion about that matter at this time. I have not articulated any opinion about it, and I have no intention of doing so at this point in time.

Now, I notice that there are a few men on this thread who were arguing the point that you have attributed to me, and that I was NOT arguing.

I also notice that you have lumped me in together with two women, one of whom I think is trying to make the point you are attributing to us, and one who doesn't appear to be making that point. So you have tried to impose your idea of what we are thinking and trying to say onto us, when, in fact, you are quite wrong about it in my case, and you appear to be wrong about it in Jeri's case as well, and you appear to believe that we have some kind of "hive" mentality in which we share a brain or something, rather than holding our own individual thoughts.

And then you took a snipe at us for something that at least two of us have NOT said, but that others in the thread about whom you have NOT made any snide comments, in fact HAVE said.

So what's up with that, heric? You on the rag or something?