The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1753130
Posted By: dianavan
05-Jun-06 - 01:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
heric - When CSIS goes out of their way to emphasize that it is not about a specific cultural group, they have a pretty good reason. The reason (I suspect) is that they do want to deal with the hate crimes that are committed when the media (and others) start pointing the finger at groups of people that have absolutely nothing to do with the criminal activity.

Surely you can see the folly of stereotyping groups of people, especially when it often leads to crimes committed against innocents.

But then again, maybe you've been in the States for so long some of that red-necked mentality is rubbing off on you. (Hows that for a stereotype?) At least my stereotyping is not going to lead to hate crimes against red-necks or Americans.

Are you going to accept any responsibility when the hate mongers start destroying mosques or harming innocent men, women and children who happen to be Muslim? Of course not.

As far as labelling them as terrorists, lets wait and see. I don't see any charges relating to committing a terrorist act.

Seems to me that all but two of the men are in their teens and early twenties and , "Two of those charged have been resident in the Kingston Pen since last fall, when they each received a two-year sentence for gun-smuggling." - Willie O

"It was also suggested that police agents were involved in purchasing the 3 tons of ammonium nitrate for the group." - Willie O

Have you ever heard of plea bargains or a set up? I'm sure you have. Why are you so quick to accuse these young men of being terrorists? Don't you believe in innocent until proven guilty? I thought you were a lawyer, not a judge.

Nothing is ever black and white, heric. Lets wait to see what they are charged with and then lets wait to see if they are guilty of terrorism.

In the meantime, I'd like to know that Canadian Muslims can walk the streets without fear of being mistaken for terrorists.

BTW - If they all painted the town red, I would want to know who "they" were before I started to point my finger.