The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1753135
Posted By: GUEST
05-Jun-06 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Someone above likened this event to the boming of the Murrah bldg in Oklahoma City. The US govt's story of a fertilizer bomb doing all the damage at the Murrah Bldg in Oklahoma City is a lie. For expert explosive analysis, go here:

For video of the expert speaking, go here:

The govt seized all the video cameras covering the time window just before the event, and FBI agents who looked at the films said two swarthy men in blue jump suits held the parking space for McVeigh, he parked the truck and they all walked away. Immediate reports advised cops to watch for a John Doe # 2. That man is named Hussain al-Hussaini, a former Iraqi soldier brought to the US by Bush # 1 along with thousands of other Iraqi operatives. They've been set up in safe houses all over the US, terrorist cells. Set up by Bush # 1. Lists of them...names and addresses...are on the web.
Hussaini was named by a local reporter as John Doe # 2 and he sued for libel. He lost on all 50 points.

The Murrah building was blown by sophisticated explosives. The debris was then quickly hauled away before an analysis could be done, but there is lots of video at the question911 site about it. The local news was reporting two unexploded devices before the feds came in and put a gag on everyone. All this is public record. One of the explosive devices was a Tow missile in a locker in the BATF office, located just above the daycare center. The missile was pointed downward. It didn't go off.

Bomb units take 20 minutes to suit up in their heavy gear, yet they were on the scene one minute (in full gear) after the blast.
Paul Craig Roberts has done a lot of research on the OKC bombing:

Last time I heard him interviewed he said he'd concluded the bombing was indeed linked to the Clintons and Mena, Arkansas. That's where the CIA's cocaine-drop airstrip was during Clinton's long, long term as governor of that state. He protected the operation (which is why Bush #1 picked him as his reliable replacement), and there were records in the Murrah bldg that pertained to the Mena/CIA business. Clinton was president by the time of the bombing, so he ordered the records collected at the Murrah bldg and then ordered the building blown. The Feds gave up looking for survivors after half an hour and shifted to looking for records of a "national security" nature and hauled off several boxes. If all their bombs had gone off, those records would have been destroyed, but that didn't happen. So they gave up looking for wounded children and looked for Bill and Hillary's drug records instead.

Bet you never heard any of this on ABC/PBS. When the govt controls the media, it's a safe bet the people named as terrorists aren't. Only govts profit from blowing things up. If Moslems are so hell-bent on destroying Jews and America, why don't we have daily blasts in Hollywood and the diamond district of New York City?    You're just being terrorized by your govt with make-believe bogeymen. Quit feeding the bear.