The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17966   Message #175367
Posted By: BK
08-Feb-00 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: San Antonio Mudcatters?
Subject: RE: San Antonio Mudcatters?
Moonchild; we don't live there any more - and frankly, I'm a little jealous; we got married in the "Alamo City," lived there a number of years, I went to undergrad school there, & we still have some good friends there. I know there's a group active enough to sponser local folkish concerts but don't know if any hang about on the 'cat. (Wore my mudcat t-shirt around there this past december & it apparently provoked no reaction.. 'course, I'm kinda ugly (I fit Benny Hill's famous "skinny baldy 4-eyes" description) & eccentric & maybe they would've been embarrassed to acknowledge any connection...??

In the meanwhile, though, if you by any chance might like REAL Tex-Mex food, San Antonio is the center of Heaven-On-Earth. You'll just come away heavier; I once gained 9 lbs in as many days during one of our yearly family jaunts to SA... wow! Go to "Mi Tierra" restraunt & bakery - it's never closed since abt 1934 - not for even 5 minutes, day & night, even through WWII, etc.. Just go at early am's or other off hours; since the tourists discovered it some years back you can't get in at dinner time. Go in the morning & get some "caldo de res" - the ULTIMATE beef veg soup, w/wonderful mexican spices, or "cabrito al horno" (baked baby goat) or "lengua en salsa" (beef tongue). Gosh, I'm salivating like crazy!! Also, if you like flaky pastries, try a "campechana" - can be had plain or w/fillings; my favorite is "mansana" (apple). & It's one of the very few places where I'll happily drink coffee instead of tea.. ("when in Rome..." Mexican coffee is great!)

I reckon other 'catters like great chow as much as me, so wear your mudcat t-shirt, 'n since yer probably a lot easier on the eyes than me, you'll meet 'catters in Mi Tierra if you'll meet 'em anywhere in San Antonio - 'n almost inevitably in the more off-hours.. Good luck, 'n bon appetite....

Cheers, BK

p.s.. lots o nice other things to do than eat in san Antonio, it's just that I get visions of food at the mere mention of the place.. MY wife gets guacamole nachos for breakfast every day we're there. They look ordinary, but the taste is to-die-for!!