The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1753896
Posted By: Barry Finn
06-Jun-06 - 02:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
I believe the terrorists to be of the American home grown kind. They're part of a cell that wants to embrass Canada's lax borders. Their plan as I've been told was that Canada would not go along with US drug policies & that pissed off the wrong people. So disguised as SS motorcycle grass smugglers a few rogue agents from the Home Land Security Dept. went out to some hippie farms north of the border & collected so much pot that they had to smoke quite a bit of it before they could cartit away to trade for 3 tons of high grade horse shit. Now don't ya know it that it was on a Mic Mac reservation that this shit for shit trade went down & those people of the First Nations they have there own view, thoughts & laws about who comes & goes & who does what on their turf & things were begining to smell like black rotten salmon. Well, the salmon season did just close & they were over their 1/4 ton catch limit. As it turns out the reservation police arrested the whole bunch, confiscated all the motorcycles, saddlebags, helmets & fishing gear & firearms, that realy pissed them off. Well the agents tried to barter back all their underwear & belongings when they told them about their stash of 3 tones of ammonium nitrate. What's an ammonium nitrate tone sound like? Well, it's great to mix in concrete when it get freezing out & cures quicker & stronger than the 5000psi stuff. OK, You got a deal. So the deal was done & it was a done deal. The agents left all the shit & the shit & the aluminum sulfate & rode off on their tikes & trikes & alerted the Mounties, anonymously, of course, they never planned to make the collar anyways. Now the Mounties were pissed anyways about being embrassed about that "battle of the bridge" a few years back over the fishing rights & figured, what the hell the US has to back our play now anyway & the French, Jeeses they had now choice that they fished out the St Larry under the nation's noses. So, all they do is wait for the Sulfate & shit to get moved. As it turns out, the head houncho Chief El Cid knew that alot of his folk had been doing all the iron work on a project in downtown Toronto & that it was ready for pouring the concrete floors & well, ya know it's still freezing in Toronto. So about 17 Mic Macs go off with a truck of stuff thinking that they're gonna have winter work that's gonna last right through the summer & it not gonna be that far from home this time around, no going into the US. With all that border stuff going on & all & how they hate to us crossing back & forth, back & forth knowing that we got cigarettes & booze, well they just thought it'd be good for a change if they could find work in their own country, after they are of the First Nation. Wouldn't ya know they all got busted, and they still don't even know why, just a lot of Elk-Hide'n'stuff. Now the rouge agents back down south in the US are thinking if they can convince the the Canadians that these Mic Macs are really "Islamic terrorists" then maybe they can spin this whole thing in their favor. Get the borders closed down tight, maybe even fenced like way down in South America, like Texas, maybe ever get the Canadian government to pay for a good part of it. It'll look real good come election time for both governments & their ruling parties, more money can be ask for, for security & to fight for democracy & the war on terror. And it was a way better plan than the rogue agents started with anyway, ya know, blow up some buildings an' all. Now asking that Americans carry passports will be a shoe in & those Mexicans & their broken down trucks won't be part of the doing business in the US or Canada anymore. The peoples of the First Nations can take the place of the Mexican illegales & there'll be plenty of work for them, espically up in the NorthWest & around the Lakes, ok we'll have to give them back their fishing rights, so what.
They do have Arab sounding names now, don't ya know. Well all's well that ends well, say, will this cause more home growns to be grown or what? Maybe we can some how use those Waco Cults for something, or those Militia Men, ya they'd make get "Islamic terrorists" scapegoats & fall guys for something. I guess there's something to believing only half of what you see & none of what you hear.
