The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1754050
Posted By: GUEST,3refs
06-Jun-06 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
I am from Orillia, just alittle south(10 min's) of where these individuals where doing some "extreme weather camping" earlier this year. My ancestors have been in that area for over 150 yrs. The road they mention, Cronk, is a Great Great Great Grand Parent of mine.
Now, days after the arrests, they admit that at least 6 of the individuals were members at the same mosque. I would suggest they are Muslims(Arabic for "one who surrenders"), extremists and terrorists. Being Canadian falls far down there list of priorities. They read the Koran and listen to there elders slant on what is really meant by the words that were spoken by God to Muhammed. Not much different than those who listen to Fallwell, Roberts or Koresh for that matter! All seem to think that their God is telling them that the world is going to hell in a hand basket and it's the other guys fault.
Canada, U.S.A., UK, Australia and other countries mean nothing to these individuals. They are bound by their belief in Allha and the teaching of Muhammed. We(non Muslims) are considered infidel(non believers).
The powers that be in Canada and the U.S.A. are telling us to be vigilant of anything that's unusual or out of the ordinary and don't hesitate to report it. Where do I stop? I find anything that is not part of my countries heritage to be unusual. I'm told that makes me intolerable of other races and cultures.
Well, I belong to the Human Race. I'm Canadian by birth! I believe in Maple Syrup, Peameal Bacon, Molson Canadian beer and that the Edmonton Oilers will eventually kick the snot out of the Hurricanes. I find comfort in any book or words, written yesterday or thousands of years ago that suggests we are all one. That spirituality is real. That something exists that is greater than us all.
E Pluribus Unum is something the world should borrow.