The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #88301   Message #1754157
06-Jun-06 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why is the Geico Gekko a Brit?
Subject: RE: BS: Why is the Geico Gekko a Brit?
My mom is from Wales, I have a sister that lives in North England(Norfolk) and her husband is Cockney. I also have cousins and an aunt that live in Australia. Visited them several years ago in Oz, visited my sister a couple of years ago in Norfolk. Just from what I know(i may not know all the diff accents but..) I know the Gecko isnt Aussie. He sounds alot like my brother in law, but mostly their kids. The kids aren't Cockney, but they talk like that, you know, the pronounce their "th" as "f". and pie is "poi" and all that. I love the Gecko, think he is cute... love the to hear something different on TV.