The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91986   Message #1754523
Posted By: JohnInKansas
06-Jun-06 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Flag Marriage and Gay Burning
Subject: RE: BS: Flag Marriage and Gay Burning
I doubt that Bush or his "Conservative" supporters in this Marriage Amendment particularly care whether it passes, although it's not impossible that there may be some who actually are "true believers." It seems clear that that this is primarily for the benefit of the "fundies" who seem to be the main source of votes for the current Congress and Administration.

It should not be brushed off as an "It'll never happen" thing though. As of the present, 37 States have passed Amendments to their State Constitutions incorporating what is now being proposed for the US Constitution. Nearly all of the remaining states have recently passed new statutes with essentially the same effect, or in a few cases have reasserted and in some cases reinterpreted older laws.

Should we have a Congress sufficiently ignorant and/or uncaring to send this amendment to the states, IT WOULD MOST LIKELY PASS AND BE RATIFIED if put to votes in the states, in the US of today.

If good Christians (and others) who believe that something other than the "perfectness of one's anus" may influence their arrival in heaven DON'T OBJECT VIGOROUSLY, and SOON, it is the intent of the fundamentalists to impose their religious law in the US, and they do not intend to stop with one Amendment. As long as they can deliver the votes they will have the willing cooperation of our current crop of politicians. Regretably, it is immensely clear that they probably can succeed if current political trends are allowed to continue.
