The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91818   Message #1755115
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
07-Jun-06 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread
Subject: RE: BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread
Well, Mick, it was rather ambiguous and I realy wanted guest to clarify for his/her own sake as much as mine. This is the internet remember and you realy need to make it clear what you mean if you don't want people to misinterpret you, either accidentaly or otherwise. Seeing as you have taken it upon yourself to clarify the meaning though I will take your remarks as helpfuly as I am sure you intended them:-)

I have already said Why would it be wrong? I guess the English and Irish would have fought side by side to be rid of them. and I stand by that statement. It would not have been wrong at all. To fight an occupying army is the prerogative of all occupied peoples. But where do you stop? Should we have murdered English and Irish policemen who were maintaining the laws of the third reich? Should we have gone and bombed civilians in German shopping streets? Should we have flown planes into the skysrapers of Berlin?

I, for one, can't answer these questions. You are a much better man than I am if you can. Fortunately it is all academic. Even more fortunately it is all in the past. Get over it for heavens sake. Both sides. There is no benefit at all in a blame allocation excercise. We have peace in Ireland now. Is that not what matters at the end of the day? Let's just make sure it doesn't happen again.
