The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91953   Message #1755290
Posted By: Tannywheeler
07-Jun-06 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: What recording cracks you up?
Subject: RE: What recording cracks you up?
Well, lots of folks with reeeely good senses of humor here.
My hands-down fave (right this minute), if I have to have one, is Barbara Dane's "I Haven't Done Anything Wrong, And I'll Never, Ever Do It Again" from the Reagan/Ollie North/Iran/Contras/Guns scandal in the '80s. First heard it driving down a major thoroughfare in south Austin. Laughed so hard I wept, convulsed over the steering wheel, only avoided a nasty accident because the other driver was in better control of his vehicle. Had to pull off the road and gasp for 5 minutes before I could go on. Whatsizzname's "Dying Cub Fan's Last Request" is another goodie, and I agree with all the Tom Lehrer and Les Barker fans....Tw