The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1755880
Posted By: dianavan
08-Jun-06 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
C. Ham - I don't believe in killing anybody nor does my daughter. It was a joke. Maybe thats the biggest difference between Canadians and Americans. Canadians have a sense of humour. Especially when it comes to politics. We both know that it probably doesn't matter who the PM is, he would have been targetted regardless but since we don't like Harper, the opportunity to joke about it was just too great.

Personally, I don't like Harper one bit and if he died tomorrow it would probably save thousands of lives in the long run and definitely save the Canada we know today.

number 6 - Killing is definitely not a Canadian value. I'm just saying that with Harper in power, we will be unable to retain our Canadian value system. Everyone knows that he is another Bush lapdog. Anyway, I'd rather see the terrorists target David Emerson. He's even worse.