The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92078 Message #1755991
Posted By: Bugsy
09-Jun-06 - 12:39 AM
Thread Name: rejuvenating old guitar strings.
Subject: Rejuvenating Old Guitar Strings.
I remember, way back when I was a lad, that some old folkie reckoned he used to boil his guitar strings when they lost their resonance. He said that, afterward, they sounded almost as good as new.
Has anyone tried this, and if so, is there a specific procedure to follow ie, do you boil them and plunge them into cold water, or leave them to cool in the atmosphere, or leave them in the water 'til cold.
I've never bothered with this before and have always just bought new strings, however, now I'm on an invalid pension and things are a bit tight on the $ front.
Any information gladly received.
PS; If boiling really does work, can you do it with Elixir strings????