The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17967   Message #175634
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Feb-00 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 5
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 5
Ah, embow, that was mild, darlin' and yew don't have a thing to worry about. I am sure your sweet sister will attest to that. We HAVE come a long way, baby! Well, except in comes some serious thread drift:

I have a friend who has a 4 yr degree in Art History & Education. After years of being married and working very successfully as a teacher and also radio advert salesperson, she divorced the lawyer and wound up with nothing. Went back to college for a 2 yr degree to become a certified paralegal. Does most of her attorney's work for him. (I am NOT denigrating lawyers, in general, just the jackass she works for. Some of my best frineds are good lawyers!)

Anyway, here she is with the degrees and all, brilliant mind and abilities paid a salary so low, with 3 kids, she qualifies for assistance, which she does NOT take. The lawyers in her firm took home well over $150,000 each last year, while she made less than $23,000. THAT is the kind of patriarchal bullshit I continue to fight and find disgusting!

Sorry for the rant...we don't get much call for feminism in Wyoming...the so-called Equality State. Thanks for letting me *vent*!
