The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91946   Message #1756390
Posted By: GUEST
09-Jun-06 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Islamic terrorists arrested in Ontario
You know...folks talk about GWBush as if he has some intelligence. As if he's behind his programs. He isn't. He has a 91 IQ. He took "group classes" at Yale because his individual grades would have been embarrassing, and he'd already been tapped, even back then, for prominence.

He's just carrying out the orders of the Bilderberg Group and The World Bank and the U.N. It's really all so simple when you understand "globalism" is being forced down our throats. The groups I just mentioned created a debt-based society so nations would go into debt, and now they're fostering terrorism to deepen that debt (increased military spending), and soon they'll start foreclosing on their mortgaged property. The US is going down (with a fight, to be sure, when Queen Elizabeth's and Juan Carlos' troops show up to seize their illegally-obtained properties in the states), but the couple hundred people who have run the world for the past 500 years are behind all terrorism. Abdul Yokel in Bumburn Iraq isn't capable of striking at the U.S., or Ontario, or London, and we all know it. Our leaders are selling us out. And the easiest way to get you to go along with the program is to scare you. It is so, so simple.

To their credit, though, the Canadians seem to get less flustered over this bogus terrorism. Could it be you folks see it for what it is? They saw through it in Spain when the fascists bombed Madrid before their last national election. Voted the bastards out of office. But then they don't have electronic voting in Spain like we do in the U.S., so we're going to have to get rid of our murderers some other way. I favor trials for treason.

The Madrid bombing was 911 days after 9-11, by the way. Juan Carlos is like a 246th degree Mason, and he really likes that numerological stuff. Those people ought to be glad they're allowed to keep their stinkin thrones and just quit bombing us. It's getting kind of tedious.

Texas Guest