The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17967   Message #175664
Posted By: Amos
09-Feb-00 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 5
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 5
Ah, kat, ye have made my day! Pits, patties an' all. But why "awake with the cows"?

Now, to defuse this situation, p'raps a song-challenge could be made out of this news from dear old England where nothing is either simple or normal:

The highest ever number of complaints about a single advertisement followed a flyer advertising ``Safe Sex Week'' and featuring the Pope saying ``Always wear a condom.''

``We received 1200 complaints about that,'' several years ago, an ASA spokesman said.

Last year an ad for the soft drink Irn Bru, which showed a cow saying ``When I'm a burger I want to be washed down with Irn Bru,'' attracted 589 complaints.

Now, I have to ask you, is the production boom so dampened in the Old Country that people have time to complain about talking cows? And, why shouldn't a cow have something to say about what they get washed down with? People are always writing Wills to dictate how they get washed down. Fill up the hosepipe with Irn Bru, sez I (whatever Irn Bru may be -- sounds like an underground intoxicant!)