The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92115   Message #1757192
Posted By: Mo the caller
11-Jun-06 - 02:16 AM
Thread Name: 2026 Mudcat origins question
Subject: 2026 Mudcat origins question
Most of the information is in a current thread (except the origins of the origional rhyme and whether there is any language it makes sense in), but can you imagine the number of footnotes there would need be for a future folklorist to sort out the cultural references is this creative use of language?

"Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut,
Mc Donalds, Mc Donalds

Luck Skywalker and a Jabba the hut
Dath Vader, darth vader

A luck sky chiken and a Pizza the hut
Mc Vader Mc Vader"